First, make SEO a company-wide topic and priority. This will probably require training staff to understand both what SEO is and why it’s important. When more people in your organization buy into the goals of SEO, they’ll help make it work.
Second, track progress as a KPI. To help make SEO a priority for the website team, implementing an SEO change should be considered a KPI.
Ultimately, the best way to avoid misaligned expectations is to speak candidly about each party’s role in and ideas for the SEO project. Do this up front, followed by often. Keep focus on the KPIs for the project.
When working with an SEO consultant, clients should cork bicycle zone be sure to communicate their major pain points and goals. And they should celebrate wins.
Meanwhile, consulting firms need to create strategies that address these pain points. Remember, an SEO consultant becomes an important part of the client’s digital marketing team.
Taking unilateral action can alienate you. Instead, create a close relationship between yourself and the rest of the team, so that you are working together to achieve the business’s goals.
At the end of the day, both the SEO consultant and the client want results.CLICK TO TWEET
2. Time and Budget Constraints
Clients want the biggest bang for their buck. As such, they often don’t want to spend their staff resources to follow recommendations that appear minor or insignificant. Makes sense to me — focus on what drives the most traffic first.
Providing recommendations to a client with time constraints is difficult because, as with the budget barrier, everything must be justified in terms of the resources they are spending on the task.
Similarly, no one likes spending money on what they believe is useless. And let’s face it, any project that takes months to see substantial results requires a leap of faith. You just must be a believer that SEO will eventually pay off.
A microscopic focus on the ROI of every individual recommended task, however, can disrupt an SEO project. By scrutinizing the cost and return on investment of each individual task that the consultant recommends, some business clients miss the big picture.