One prediction says ads in the metaverse, promoting Whatsapp Mobile Number List real-life items or metaverse-oriented products, could potentially become a $586 billion market. Bidstack, a video game ad tech company, is one company that’s taking traditional billboard advertising to the world of AR and VR. Bidstack-City-Ad-Example-Bidstack brings ads to cityscapes, Whatsapp Mobile Number List billboards, branded vehicles, buildings, and other surfaces within virtual worlds.
To Calls For Increased Diversity Digital marketers Whatsapp Mobile Number List are listening as consumers call for more diversity, equality, and inclusion. diversity-min.pngRecent search volume for “diversity” shows growing interest. A survey from Abode found that 61% of US consumers say diversity in advertising is important. In fact, Adobe reported that more than one-third of LGBTQ, African Americans, and Millennial consumers said that a brand’s efforts.
to show diversity has a major impact on their likelihood Whatsapp Mobile Number List to purchase products or services from that brand. Another study found that brands with the highest diversity scores have an 83% higher consumer preference. In one study Whatsapp Mobile Number List of Gen Z consumers, 70% of individuals reported being more trusting of brands that represent diversity in their marketing.