The online presence and website are the foundation for creating a brand identity. Let’s shed some light on something that is often overlooked: brand visual design and brand mission statement.
Change is good, growth is good, and expansion is good. However, customers and long-term users don't always value change.
Your brand is your face to the world.
The logo and company colors are how customers identify you and your services. Creating logos and rough designs seems relatively easy these days. There are many great sites like Tailoring Brands or Smashing Logo that get people with little or no experience to imagine what they have in mind. There's also Photoshop, Canva, and even a ton of free, downloadable, ready-to-use online mockups.
This is important – rebranding is hard and it takes time – especially when you build your brand and have a successful first partnership.
Cutting costs is the most natural thing to do when you start a business. The design seems to be the perfect choice. But it's usually not a viable decision in the long run.
At DevriX we work with many startups and bootstraps. We're a self-financing company, so we know there's a fight. Experienced designers are expensive and overbooked. You often have to wait months to complete designs and models, then go back and forth to annotate and iterate. The final cost can cut your budget quickly.
That's how we came up with the idea of a retention plan.
Instead of offering one-time, flat-fee programs, we give our clients the opportunity to grow and let every rock star on our team - tech developers, brand experts, marketing experts, and design experts - for a fraction of the cost Part of the fee has them on site.
This business model allows long-term organization of careful budget planning and processes. It's a win-win. Latest Mailing Database Our clients have top-notch expertise in every aspect of their business, and we get the excitement and satisfaction of solving new business problems.
New business owners must make hundreds of important decisions for their future growth. Brands are one of the number one underrated people. Don't ignore your brand, trust the experts.
Targeting marketing is the process of selecting and finding the right people who need your services.
Like all marketing, it sounds natural and straightforward. For example, if you are selling truck tires; logically, your target group will consist of people who own trucks.
There's a problem - one in a billion of groundbreaking, never-before-seen business ideas. If someone is already driving a truck, someone is already selling them tires.
So how do you stay ahead of the competition?
Aiming is a gold mine if done right. There are some mistakes people make when working with clients to develop a marketing strategy.